久聞Brunch Club乃一眾早午餐族的聖地,屬於早午餐族的我卻一直未有拜訪,說起也慚愧。第一次來是和朋友LR在別處吃完brunch後的下場,主要是吃甜的。由於很好吃,自然就有第二次,來吃鹹的。
I have always heard the good things about the Brunch Club but never really got the motivation to try. Earlier this year after having a brunch with my friend LR, I was craving waffles and Brunch Club just popped in my mind~
Soho的分店聽說面積比銅鑼灣的少,有露天的一角。店內除了有普通的檯及椅子外還有梳化的座位。不過我不太喜歡梳化,因為高度較低,吃東西不方便。我常常想既然是brunch,顧名思義是早餐及午餐合二為一,而早餐及午餐的用餐時間應是一天中陽光最好的時間,但Brunch Club內卻是暗淡的燈光,倒似是讓情侶來談情。不過好像The Flying Pan的燈光都是這樣的。另外,店內的檯偏小,不會坐得很舒服,要舒服就去酒店吧。
The branch at soho is smaller than that at Causeway Bay but there is a alfresco dining area. There are normal chairs and tables as well as sofa. Eating at sofa is not my thing, I prefer sitting properly while eating.
I got there in the middle of the afternoon and luckily, the place was not full! I was told for the CWB branch, the waiting starts as early as 12 noon.
根據到訪的時間順序,先說甜的。Let's start with the sweets~
Banana Walnut Caramel Waffle - Waffle一來到的時候真的是眼睛先吃,每件鬆餅都淋上焦糖,再鋪上同樣是沾滿焦糖的香蕉,放在雪白的碟上,看到就是賞心悅目。不得不說,新鮮製造的鬆餅暖暖很好吃。有坑紋突出的部分較脆,鬆餅中間軟得來帶點兒煙韌。焦糖漿不太甜,吃完後不會渴。香蕉應該有稍微的煮過,所以入口軟綿綿的。每一小塊的鬆餅上都有香蕉片,沒有欺場。
Banana Walnut Caramel Waffle - The waffles looked really really nice! Each and every one of them was coated with lukewarm caramel laid with bananas. The waffles were freshly made so it took a bit of waiting but it's certainly worth it! They were soft inside, a bit crispy outside with the perfect texture. Caramel was not too sweet and the lightly-cooked bananas were simply amazing. The portion was huge as well.