It's a well-known fact that the whole Western area on the HK Island is undergoing a major facelift due to the impending train railway. From time to time, I would just suddenly want to go back and see how Sai Wan is changing, just like what I did the other day. Needless to say, lots of old stores are gone but fortunately, they were not replaced by chain stores. The new stores are usually those you would find in soho or 'poho', and indeed you can see them in the whole Sai Wan or Sai Ying Pun area. They are usually restaurants serving 'western cuisine' or stores selling wines or steaks or organic food.
走到High Street Grill,看到店內有不少人,生意好像不錯,我和KK就決定試試。店的面積很大,樓底很高,不過座位及檯則排得比較密密麻麻,本來的空間感都被它們奪去。約午飯時候人越來越多,看來想一定能有位的話訂座會最保險。
We walked to High Street Grill and could see there were quite a lot of people in there. KK and I decided to try it ourselves. It's a large restaurant with a high ceiling. But the place is packed with tables and chairs and one could feel quite crowded. During lunchtime it would be the safest to make a booking.
Turkish Bread Toasties (ham chese & tomato) ($45) - 原本不知道何為Toasties,估計就是三文治的一種,不過看到價錢只是45元便點了來試試。簡單的木板上放著的"Toasties"其實就是Panini吧。
We weren't sure what a Toasties was and we suspected that it just meant sandwiches. We ordered it as it was only $45. The Toasties was placed on a wooden board and it turned out to be a panini.
Turkish Bread夾了芝士及火腿,火腿不吝嗇的給了數層,烘熱後芝士變成半熱的狀態。一口咬下去整件toasties都是熱烘烘的,什麼是Turkish Bread我不太懂,但這個Turkish Bread烘得那一個好卻是不爭的事實。金黃色的外表快常脆口,麵包的部分有嚼頭,是一個好吃!
We picked cheese and ham and we could see there were quite a few layers of ham. After being toasted the cheese was half-melted. The toasties was warm and although I didn't really know what a Turkish Bread was, this Toasties was probably one of the best panini I have had before. The bread was crispy on the outside and a bit chewy. It's really really good.