之前並曾經嘗試寫日誌。原本的定位是以寫吃的為主。不過因為沒有用心及決心,寫得連自己也覺得接受不到,人又懶,便不了了之。但現在心態改變了,知道自己其實是想寫一點東西下來,將來可以回看自己的生活及思想。我會記下的不止是食記,還有我愛看的電視劇,愛讀的書,奇怪的經歷及所見,當然也有對工作的嘮叨!! (我可不怎麼愛我的工作)。如果可以的話,會中英對照,當作是練一下文筆。
那麼... 開始吧!!!
I did try to blog before and the original theme was set to be food review. But since there was basically no commitment nor dedication on my part and my habitual laziness, the blogging thing did not last long at all. Looking back that was a kind of mistake. Now I am clear that I do want to jot down a few words from time to time for my future self to have something to look back.
This blog will be about eating, TV-ing, reading, personal experience and of coz, my "beloved" job (not really...). If possible, I am gonna write both in Chinese and English, something like a practice for myself.
Sooo..... let's get started!
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